New Duplexes Approved for Olds' Cornerstone Area

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Four New Duplexes Approved for Olds' Cornerstone Area

The town of Olds is set to welcome new housing as the council recently approved a proposal to build four duplexes in the Cornerstone development. This green light was given during the town council meeting on May 27, setting the stage for the creation of eight new dwelling units in the 1100 block of Cornerstone Crescent.

A Look Back: The History of Cornerstone Development

Shari Edgington, the development officer, provided a detailed overview of the proposal and the history behind the Cornerstone development. According to Edgington, the original permits for this development were issued back in 2007. The initial plans included a 36-unit condominium, and then in 2009, further permits were granted for additional structures: two more 36-unit condominiums, 19 duplexes, and a community amenity building.

However, the grand plans for Cornerstone hit a snag. “Unfortunately, the development came to a stop after only two duplexes were built,” Edgington explained. The original 2007 development permit has since expired, as development permits are typically valid for a maximum of two years.

Revitalizing the Cornerstone Area

This recent approval is a significant step towards revitalizing the Cornerstone area. The addition of four duplexes is expected to breathe new life into the neighborhood, which has seen limited construction activity since the initial development phase was halted. The eight new dwelling units will likely attract new residents and potentially stimulate further development in the area.

What Does This Mean for Olds?

The approval of these duplexes is more than just a nod to new housing; it's a sign of growth and potential for the town of Olds. With the new units, the town can accommodate more residents, which could have a positive ripple effect on the local economy. New residents mean more customers for local businesses, increased demand for services, and a boost to the overall vibrancy of the community.

Moreover, this development aligns with broader trends in urban planning where there's a push for creating more housing options to address growing populations and changing demographics. Duplexes, in particular, offer a middle ground between single-family homes and larger multi-unit buildings, providing flexible living arrangements that can appeal to a wide range of people, from young families to retirees.

Community Reactions

As with any development project, community reactions are mixed. Some residents welcome the new duplexes, seeing them as a positive step toward community growth and revitalization. They believe that these new homes will bring new families and energy to the area, which has remained underdeveloped for years.

Others, however, have concerns about the impact on local infrastructure and services. Questions have been raised about whether existing roads, schools, and public services can handle an influx of new residents. It's a balancing act for the town council to ensure that development is managed sustainably while meeting the needs of the community.

Next Steps for the Cornerstone Project

With the council’s approval in hand, the next steps involve moving from planning to construction. The town will likely see increased activity in the 1100 block of Cornerstone Crescent as developers prepare the site and begin building the duplexes. This phase of development will be crucial in setting the tone for future projects in the area.

The success of these duplexes could pave the way for additional development in Cornerstone and similar projects across Olds. If managed well, this could mark the beginning of a new chapter of growth and prosperity for the town.

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What do you think about the new duplexes in the Cornerstone area? Do you see this as a positive development for Olds, or do you have concerns? Share your thoughts and join the conversation in the comments below!

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